Prisaca Barnova Fir honey 250g.
Prisaca Barnova Fir honey has a less sweet taste, with a malt-like aroma, dark color (sometimes even black), and a lower water content than in the case of other varieties of bee honey.
The spectrum of sugars is clearly different from that of ordinary quality flower honeys. Fructose (37%) predominates over glucose (32%), but there are also almost 11% disaccharides and melezitose in a fairly large proportion (up to over 10%). In general, it can be said that the spectrum of sugars in fir honey is shifted towards sugars with high molecular weight.
It also contains trace elements such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, zinc, boron, iron, copper.
Fir honey has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant , immunostimulant, epithelial, depurative properties, intervening in the improvement and even healing of bacterial, dermatological, degenerative, inflammatory, and immune system ailments.
Weight of jar + honey: 450g.
Made in Romania.
About the manufacturer: The producer has his own bees and produces honey and bee products 100% natural for 8 years.
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