Our Mission
We are dedicated into promoting Romania’s brands across the Globe. Brands of Romania is the place where you Meet Centuries of Traditions Today.
Our mission is to show to the world the best things that Romania has to offer. Being products, services, tourism or culture, Romania is a never ending source of delight and delighting our customers is what we seek! Do you want to learn more about Romania? Visit us now!
Why Choose Us
We are partnering with some of Romania’s best brands with ages of tradition and experience.
Our customers are in the center of everything we do. Delighting our customers is part of our mission statement.
Integrity is part of our DNA. Everything we do, we do with integrity.
Company Details
BrandsOfRomania.com is a product of AGIRA PRO CORPORATION SRL
Address: 65 Timisoara Blvd, Bl.D44 Sector 6, 061321, Bucharest, Romania
CUI (VAT number) RO29102009; Nr.Inreg. J40/11059/2011