Salman Khan, India’s most famous actor shoots in Sibiu, Romania for his new upcoming movie. The Bollywood star, is present in Romania since a few days already where he is shooting for his new upcoming movie “Jai Ho”. The film premiere is announced for Feb’14.
The movie start has already been shooting several scenes in the “Goldsmith Square” (Piata Aurarilor) and on “The Bridge of Lies” (Podul Minciunilor). Furthermore scenes will be taken on the medieval town of Sighisoara and on the peaks of Fagarasi Mountains.
After only a few days in Sibiu, the actor looks delighted by the beautiful Romanian city: “I feel excellent here! It is an extremely beautiful city. Sibiu is wonderful. The Zoo is one of the oldest in Romania, having an oak of 600 years old and most trees are over 100 years. We found there a Romanian traditional restaurant where we eat very good food. It was great. We eat a Romanian specific dish… I don’t know how is it called but I know it was with chicken and it was very, very good”.
Salman Khan and his gorgeous movie partner, Daisy Shah, have shot some scenes in the enchanted landscape of The Outdoor Museum (Muzeul in aer liber) from the Sibiu Grove (Dumbrava Sibiului)
During the shootings, next to Salman Khan there was seen the beautiful Romanian star Iulia Vantur. It was assumed that the two had a love affair during Iulia’s visit in India last year. Both stars are denying any relation more than a friendly relation although journalists from both Romania and India were publishing information that was contradicting the statements which the two had…
Salman Khan has thousands of fans in Romania. He will be in Sibiu for just a short time and his fans are having high hopes to get his autograph or even take a photo next to the Indian megastar.