Sano Vita Coconut Eco Oil 500 ml.
Ingredients of Sano Vita Coconut Eco Oil: 100% extra virgin coconut oil, organic, cold pressed, obtained from fresh coconuts, hand-picked.
– Coconut oil benefits immunity
– Coconut oil benefits heart health
– Coconut oil benefits bone health
– Coconut oil helps lower cholesterol
– Benefits of coconut oil for dental hygiene
– Coconut oil benefits the brain
– Coconut oil benefits the digestive system
– Coconut oil fights hormonal disorders
– Coconut oil helps you lose weight
What is coconut oil Coconut oil ?
is a type of oil extracted from coconut pulp or coconut milk, with a wide range of uses, from gastronomy to the cosmetics industry. Worldwide, the annual production is around 3.5 million tons, and among the largest exporters of coconut oil are countries such as the Philippines, Malaysia and Australia.
How is coconut oil obtained?
There are several methods to extract coconut oil, more or less expensive and cost-effective. For example, dry processing leads to an amount about 10-15% higher than in the case of wet processing with water. After extracting the oil (or even in the case of the extraction process), solvents can be used with the role of cleaning, filtering the oil or even increasing the production.
Virgin or extra virgin coconut oil is obtained from fresh coconut pulp or coconut milk by centrifugation or pressing with the help of specialized machines and is the healthiest option, the best coconut oil you can buy.
For its production are used exclusively mechanical processes, not chemical, so that all the properties of the oil are kept undegraded.
Coconut oil properties:
For a long time, coconut oil has been an extremely controversial food, due to its composition rich in saturated fats. Only modern studies that have shown that these saturated fats have a special structure (medium chain) and are not harmful, on the contrary, prove beneficial to the human body, have put coconut oil back on the forefront.
Among the most important properties of coconut oil we list the antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal ones. However, we must say that only using organic coconut oil, taught cold, we can say that you take advantage of all its qualities, because only through this type of processing its properties remain unchanged.
Coconut oil nutritional composition:
Coconuts are rich in vitamins C, E, B1, B3, B5 and B6 and minerals such as iron, selenium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, and they are also present in coconut oil. However, its most important qualities are medium chain fatty acids, including lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, which also give it antibacterial qualities. These fatty acids reach the liver faster than most other fats consumed and from there are transformed into energy, thus reaching a paradox: although we consume fat, it helps us lose weight.
Coconut oil benefits immunity:
Coconut oil is the richest known source of lauric acid, the same that is present in breast milk and has the property to fight bacteria and increase the body’s immunity.
Made in Romania
About the manufacturer :
Sano Vita is a family business, 100% Romanian. And we consume the same products, we are concerned with a healthy lifestyle and always eager to produce and market everything that is best for health. We set off over two decades ago, few but confident in our dream. Now, together with you, we form a family, a community of health lovers and to support this project we feel obliged to always be better.
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