First time in Bucharest,Romania: The 7th Annual Peace Congress organized by MBB International

The 7th Annual Peace Congress organized by MBB in Bucharest, Romania

First time in Romania, 300 Conflict Resolution Professionals from 40 Countries, among which a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate for the 7th Annual Peace Congress organized by Mediators Beyond Borders International (MBB)


The 7th Annual Peace Congress organized by Mediators Beyond Borders International (MBB) brings together in Bucharest, between April 23 and 26, worldwide recognized regional and global conflict transformation practitioners, to share and debate mediation techniques and procedures focused on peace building in the 21st century.


Prabha Sankaranarayan, CEO and President MBB, Project Team Leader for Liberia and Board Liaison for Kenya; Shadia Marhaban, the only woman negotiator in the 2005 Helsinki peace talks; Mary Montague, involved in global peace building work from 1975, including throughout the many years of conflict in Northern Ireland; and Desmond Tutu, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate in 1984, are only some of the international conflict transformation professionals who will carry on ‘Dangerous Dialogues and Courageous Conversations’ during the Mediators Beyond Borders International (MBB) 7th Annual Peace Congress that will take place in premiere in Bucharest, Romania, between April 23 and 26, 2015, at the JW Marriott Grand Hotel.

The Congress reunites over 300 peace builders from 40 countries.


Profoundly significant at both national and international level, the Congress is focused on key topics relevant to the peace building process in the 21st century, its traditional and newly emerged stakeholders, as well as to society and world’s needs in this respect: the role of women, youth and international NGOs in peace mediation in a world affected by globalization of conflict and borders disappearance; the weight of geographical, historical and spiritual traditions in peace mediation; opportunities and challenges for conflict transformation through trauma informed peacebuilding and restorative justice practices; the application psychology has in developing new conflict transformation tools and techniques. Impactful case studies from all over the world will also be examined.


Helping build capacity to improve communications, which is at the heart of all conflicts, sharing concepts of dispute mediation, collaborative problem solving and bias awareness, we can change the world one village at a time”, says President of MBB, mediator and long time international peace maker Prahba Sankaranarayan.


Join The 7th Annual Peace Congress. 

Registrations for the Mediators Beyond Borders International (MBB)’s 7th Annual Peace Congress are open for specialists and general public at this link.


Mediators Beyond Borders International (MBB) builds local, regional and global skills for peace and promotes peace mediation worldwide. The engine of this non-profit organization is its 200+ volunteers in North and in South America, Europe, Asia, the Pacific and Africa. By local invitation, multidisciplinary teams jointly design and implement projects with local partners to increase local abilities to heal from severe conflict; reconcile communities; and prevent, manage and transform conflict sustainably into the future. Currently MBB has active projects in six countries: Israel, Colombia, Ecuador, Kenya, Nepal and Sierra Leone.


Contacts for Media Info & Organizational Details:

Ana-Maria Onisei (; +40 752220420)

Magda Pescariu (; +40 732007807)


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